Unemployment aid and other SEPE services

The Spanish social security system, called Seguridad Social and the SEPE (Servicio Estatal Publico de Empleo) provide various tools and subsidies for unemployed citizens.

Surely the best known is the unemployment benefit or “prestación por desempleo”, erroneously called by many only “paro” (whose literal translation is “hold”). When we speak of “paro”, actually, we are referring to the situation of unemployment: we can be “parados” or simply “desempleados” (unemployed).

It is good to specify this distinction because it is not enough to simply be unemployed to be able to apply for of the unemployment benefit: there are a series of requirements to be met, the most important of which is doubtless the being in a situation of non-voluntary unemployment (having been fired and not having voluntarily resigned), as well as having paid contributions for a minimum period, depending on your situation.

The main problem in applying for the unemployment aid in Spain is to correctly identify what situation we are in, to understand whether or not we are entitled to this help, what amounts we will be paid or for how long.

Globaris360 will help you shed some light on any doubts you may have about how to get unemployment benefit in Spain.

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