About us
Gestoría Administrativa
Globaris360 is a “Gestoría Administrativa” (Administrative Agency) based in Barcelona and operating throughout the whole Spain. Our goal is to offer concrete and transparent support both to foreigners who have moved or live stably in Spain, as well as to Spanish citizens who need support in the administrative and bureaucratic fields.
Our office opened in May 2021 under the form of Administrative Consulting, and in August 2023 we achieved membership with the “Colegio de Gestores Administrativos” of Catalonia, with membership number 4027. From this moment and thanks to the signature of the different agreements with various public administration entities such as DGT or AEAT, we have been able to enhance our services and streamline most of the procedures we offer.
“Globaris360” is a official trademark registered in the OEPM (Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas) since 2021.
Why Globaris360?
The name Globaris360 comes from the fusion of three words that especially inspired our choice.
- “Global”: as the type of society that inspires us, made up of different people and cultures that meet and interact. We deeply believe in equality and cooperation, that is why at Globaris360 we offer support to everyone, regardless of their nationality or language;
- “Polaris”: it is the name by which the Pole Star is called in astronomy, which was the point of orientation of the ancient navigators, especially when the current technological means were not available. Likewise, at Globaris360 we have the strong ambition to be a constant and reliable point of reference in our field, for all the “sailors who decide to dock in our port”;
- “360”: because we want to offer complete 360º support to all the people who need our advice.
Globaris360 offers concrete support to everyone who needs a point of reference in the Spanish administrative and bureaucratic fields.

We offer our experience to people and companies that need a reliable orientation, 100% aligned with the current regulations in the bureaucratic and financial field in Spain.
Our goal is to become a solid benchmark in the bureaucratic and financial consulting sector, being a model of expertise and reliability beyond any physical border: we want to offer guidance and trust to local people and companies as well as to everyone who needs to relocate in Spain from a foreign country.
We believe that the richness of the cosmopolitan society lies exactly in cultural differences, which harmoniously complement each other, as in a great mosaic. This is why we believe in interaction as a key component to be able to build the society of tomorrow together, based on the ideas of equal opportunities and respect for all the cultures of the world.